Sunday, October 31, 2010

i'm okay now

Well, if you wanted honesty
thats all you had to say
I never want to let you down
or have you go
It's better off this way
For all the dirty looks
The photographs your boyfriend took
Remember when you broke your foot
from jumping out the second floor

I'm not okay
You wear me out

What will it take to show
you that it's not the life it seems
I told you time and time again you sing
the words but dunno what it means
To be a joke and look
Another line without a hook
I held you close as we both shook
for the last time
Take a good hard look

I'm not okay
You wear me out

Forget about the dirty looks
The photographs your boyfriend took
You said you read me like a book
But the pages are all torn and frayed now

I'm okay!
I'm okay now
But you really need to listen to me
'Cause i'm telling the truth
I mean this
I'm okay!

I'm not okay
Well, I'm not okay
I'm not o-fucking-kay
I'm not okay

Tak perlu kata apa-apa

kekasih yang tak dianggap

aku mentari tapi tak menghangatkanmu
aku pelangi tak memberi warna di hidupmu
aku sang bulan tak menerangi malammu
aku lah bintang yg hilang ditelan kegelapan

selalu itu yg kau ucapkan padaku

sebagai kekasih yg tak dianggap
aku hanya bisa mencoba mengalah
menahan setiap amarah

sebagai kekasih yg tak dianggap
aku hanya bisa mencoba bersabar
ku yakin kau kan berubah

Saturday, October 30, 2010

aQ koma

Gadisku dalam koma
Seriuskah keadaannya
Gadisku dalam koma
Seriuskah situasinya

Lagu ini bila sedar
Betapa pilu tangisku
Ku berikrar takkan ingkar
Moga kau sembuh segera

Diri ini jika pernah
Salah dan silap dengan mu
Ku berdoa ke atas-Nya
Moga kau pulih semula

Friday, October 29, 2010

Tanpa Kekasihku

Langit begitu gelap
hujan juga tak kunjung reda
Ku harus menyaksikan
cintaku terenggut tak terselamatkan

Ingin ku ulang hari, ingin ku perbaiki
Kau salah,kau kubutuhkan
Beraninya kau pergi dan tak kembali

Dimana letak surga itu
Biar kugantikan tempatmu denganku
Adakah tanda surga itu
Biar kutemukan untuk bersamamu

Kubiarkan senangku menari di udara
Biar semua tahu kematian tak mengakhiri

Apalah artinya hidup tanpa kekasihku
Percuma bila aku disini sendiri
Kekasihku, bersamamu

Bawa Ku Terbang

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Faizal Tahir - Mahakarya cinta


Ku terlalu percaya
Pengorbanan ku pastikan
Terbalas akhirnya

Ku terlalu setia
Tak mungkin berpaling hati
Walaupun terluka

Namun semua itu
Tak lagi bererti
Takkan pernah lagi
Jadi nyata

Kerna kamu ku jadi begini
Tak pernah melihat diri ini
Walau seringku di sisi

Asmara yang ku puja
Hanya tinggal bayang-bayang
Di dalam hidupku

Asmara yang ku damba
Hanya sebuah bisikan
Pilu di jiwaku

when i need

When I need you
I just close my eyes and I'm with you
And all that I so wanna give you
It's only a heartbeat away

When I need love
I hold out my hands and I touch love
I never knew there was so much love
Keeping me warm night and day

Miles and miles of empty space in between us
The telephone can't take the place of your smile
But you know I won't be travelin' forever
It's cold out but hold out and do I like I do

It's not easy when the road is your driver
Honey that's a heavy load that we bear
But you know I won't be traveling a lifetime
It's cold out but hold out and do like I do

When I need you
Just close my eyes
And you're right here by my side
Keeping me warm night and day

I just hold out my hands
I just hold out my hand
And I'm with you darlin'
Yes, I'm with you darlin'
All I wanna give you
It's only a heartbeat away

i'll be missing you

Sampai Menutup Mata

Embun di pagi buta
Menebarkan bau asa
Detik demi detik ku hitung
Inikah saat ku pergi

Oh Tuhan ku cinta dia
Berikanlah aku hidup
Takkan ku sakiti dia
Hukum aku bila terjadi

Aku tak mudah mencintai
Aku tak mudah mengaku ku cinta
Aku tak mudah mengatakan
Aku jatuh cinta

Senandungku hanya untuk cinta
Tirakatku hanya untuk engkau
Tiada dusta sumpah ku cinta
Sampai ku menutup mata
Cintaku sampai ku menutup mata


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Knocking on Heavens Door


malam ini ku sendiri
tak ada yg menemani
seperti malam-malam yang sudah-sudah
hati ini selalu sepi
tak ada yg menghiasi
seperti cinta ini
yang selalu pupus

tuhan kirimkanlah aku
kekasih yang baik hati
yang mencintai aku
apa adanya

mawar ini semakin layu
tak ada yg memiliki
seperti aku ini semakin pupus

kembali pulang

Bintang terlihat terang
Saat dirimu datang
Cinta yang dulu hilang
Kini kembali pulang

Lihatlah dia mulai bernyanyi
Coba merangkai mimpi
Cinta yang dulu pergi
Kini datang kembali

Wajahmu mengingatkanku
Dengan kekasihku dulu
Wajahmu mengingatkanku
Dengan masa laluku

Kekasih yang dulu hilang
Kini dia tlah kembali pulang
Akan ku bawa dia terbang
Damai bersama bintang

Kekasih yang dulu hilang
Kini dia tlah kembali pulang
Betapa senang ku dendangkan
Dan takkan ku lepaskan


If I Die Young

If I die young, bury me in satin
Lay me down on a, bed of roses
Sink me in the river, at dawn
Send me away with the words of a love song

Lord make me a rainbow
I’ll shine down on my mother
She'll know I’m safe with you
when she stands under my colors, oh and
Life ain't always what you think it ought to be, no
Ain't even grey, but she buries her baby

The sharp knife of a short life, well
I’ve had, just enough time

And I’ll be wearing white, when I come into your kingdom
I’m as green as the ring on my little, cold finger, I’ve
Never known the lovin' of a man
But it sure felt nice when he was holding my hand, there’s a
Boy here in town says he’ll, love my forever
Who would have thought forever could be severed by
The sharp knife of a short life, well
I’ve had, just enough time

So put on your best boys and I’ll wear my pearls
What I never did is done

A penny for my thoughts, oh no, I’ll sell them for a dollar
They're worth so much more after I’m a goner
And maybe then you’ll hear the words I been singin’
Funny when your dead how people start listenin’

The ballad of a dove
Go with peace and love
Gather up your tears, keep ‘em in your pocket
Save them for a time when your really gonna need them, oh

So put on your best boys and I’ll wear my pearls

Slot Akasia

Inikah berakhirnya
Hidupku yang ku rasa
tidak secantik potret yang terlakar dikaca
Inikah makna cinta
Datangnya berbunga bunga
belum dijamah pahitnya jelas terasa

Ku renung kisah kita
Perbalahan antara
Erti bersama
Airmata dan lelah buat kita berbalah
Dendam terujud segala yang indah
Hilang hilang

Dari satu hujung ke satu penghujung berlari
Tapi hanya makin ku jalani
Jalan jalan yang sempit sekali
Imbasan warna warni cerita cerita dalam hidup kita
Hingga paling kelam kan terpapar di slot akasia

Jauhku fikirkan tentang kita tanpa kita
Sedalam dalam kita mencari jawapan yang sama
Mungkin berbeza antara jalan yang ditentukan
Namun ku percaya jika mata ditutup disitu ada cinta
Madah Pujangga

Berpasangan insan telah dijadikan
Dalam satu jiwa bakal mewujudkan
Bermusim kegelapan dapat dipinggirkan
Namun kita manusia senang dibutakan
Menyintai bukan untuk disakiti
Sejambak bicara harus ditepati
Carta belaian jiwa dilonjakkan tinggi
Tak menjunam jatuh menghempas ke bumi
Sejati itu yang kau ucapkan
Sebuah melodi dan hanyalah satu ungkapan
Kata kata lontaran sekadar ukiran hiasan
Takkan berbunyi bila bertepuk sebelah tangan
Setinggi mana tak guna nak dikecapi
Tiada dua satu jiwa tiada erti
Tiada lagi rekaan khayalan mimpi ngeri menyelubungi
Hanya meniti hari meneliti hati

Mimpi Yang Mati

Monday, October 25, 2010

just for you..

The other night dear, as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you in my arms
But when I awoke, dear, I was mistaken
So I hung my head and I cried.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

I'll always love you and make you happy,
If you will only say the same.
But if you leave me and love another,
You'll regret it all some day:

You told me once, dear, you really loved me
And no one else could come between.
But not you've left me and love another;
You have shattered all of my dreams:

In all my dreams, dear, you seem to leave me
When I awake my poor heart pains.
So when you come back and make me happy
I'll forgive you dear, I'll take all the blame.

tak bisa berkata

Kau membiusku dengan cinta
Cinta yang malu kukatakan
Kau membiusku dengan cinta
Sampai aku tak bisa berkata

Kau membius sampai aku jadi sering melamun
Memikirkan kita bisakah bersama

Aku bius Cinta
Cinta yang tak ada tandingan
Namun mungkin tak ada tandingan
Entah ku tak tahu…

Kita yang malu hati untuk mengakui saling cinta
Usaha sekeras hati bersama selamanya
Aku dibius cinta…


Tak perlu ucapkan sepatah kata
Kerna lantang terbaca dari muka
Kau dan daku sudah tiada
Keserasian di jiwa
Mungkin manisnya sudah hilang

Tak perlulah kita mencuba lagi
Betulkan kesilapan perhubungan ini
Bila setiap perbincangan
Menjadi perbalahan
Manakah agaknya cinta kasih

Embun pun takkan mampu menyubur sekuntum
Bunga yang layu pada musim luruh
Yang dulunya mekar di sinar suria
Bila sudah kering pasti akan gugur

Seperti cinta kita yang jelas ternyata
Semakin lama oh semakin rekah
Menimbulkan tanya apa mungkin kita
Temu kebahagiaan dalam perpisahan

Usah titis air mata kau tangiskan
Ku dah cukup menampung selautan
Begitu lama ku pendam
Tapi hanya berdiam
Kerna cuba menafi realiti

Sunday, October 24, 2010

I will be ok

Knew the signs wasn’t right
I was stupid, for a while
Swept away, by you
And now I feel like a fool

So confused
My heart’s bruised
Was I ever loved by you?
Out of reach, so far
I never had your heart
Out of reach, couldn’t see
We were never met to be

Catch myself, from despair
I could drown if I stay here
Keeping busy, everyday
I know I will be ok
But I’m

So much hurt, so much pain
Takes a while to regain
What is lost inside
And I hope that in time
You’ll be out of my mind
I’ll be over you
And know I’m

Out of reach, so far,
You never gave your heart
In my reach, I can see
There’s a life out there for me

Jangan Pisahkan


If I had to I would put myself right beside you
So let me ask, would you like that? Would you like that?
And I don't mind if you say this love is the last time
So now I'll ask, do you like that? Do you like that? No!

Something's getting in the way
Something's just about to break
I will try to find my place
In the diary of Jane
So tell me how it should be!

Try to find out what makes you tick as I lie down
Sore and sick, do you like that? Do you like that?
There's a fine line between love and hate and I don't mind
Just let me say that I like that, I like that

As I burn another page
As I look the other way
I still try to find my place
In the diary of Jane
So tell me how it should be!

Desperate, I will crawl, waiting for so long
No love, there is no love
Die for anyone, what have I become?

As I burn another page
As I look the other way
I still try to find my place
In the diary of Jane

Saturday, October 23, 2010

it's always you

If it wasn't the oceans,
wasn't the breezes,
wasn't the white sands,
I might not be needed,

If I could sleep through the coal mines,
If I could breathe through hatred,
If I could, work through the summer,
then I woulnd't feel so humble,

oh you, it's always you,
it's always you.

If red roses weren't so lovely,
Wine didn't taste so good,
Stars weren't so romantic,
Then I could do what I should

If you love, I could command it,
Get your head, to understand it,
I'd go twice, around the world,
Even though, I may not find it.

from the start

Now listen to me baby
Before I love and leave you
They call me heart breaker
I don't wanna decieve you

If you fall for me
I'm not easy to please
I might tear you apart
Told you from the start, baby from the start.

I'm only gonna break your heart.

There's not point trying to hide it
No point trying to evade it
I know I got a problem
By doing this behaving

And I know karma's gonna get me back for being so cold
Like a big bad wolf I'm born to be bad and bad to the bone
If you fall for me I'm only gonna tear you apart
Told ya from the start.

tell them

Tell them all I know now
Shout it from the roof tops
Write it on the sky line
All we had is gone now

Tell them I was happy
And my heart is broken
All my scars are open
Tell them what I hoped would be
Impossible, impossible
Impossible, impossible

Falling out of love is hard
Falling for betrayal is worst
Broken trust and broken hearts
I know, I know

Thinking all you need is there
Building faith on love and words
Empty promises will wear
I know, I know

And now when all is gone
There is nothing to say
And if you're done with embarrassing me
On your own you can go ahead tell them

seperti yang dulu

Jay Sean - Do You Remember ft. Sean Paul, Lil Jon

i've been thinking about you
And how we used to be then
Back when we didn't have to live we could start again

There's nothing left to say
Don't waste another day
Just you and me tonight
Everything will be okay
If it's alright with you then it's alright with me
Baby let's take this time let's make new memories

Do you remember do you remember
All of the times we had

So long since you've been missing
It's good to see you again
How you how you doing
And how about we don't let this happen again

jejaka Idaman

Oh sayang...
Engkaulah jejaka idaman
Akulah yang menanti

Embun dingin di pagi hari
Akulah bunga dibasahi

Kan ku genggam bara yang membara
Begitu ku teruskan jua
Agar cinta tidak terpisah

Malu ku bukan kerana paksa
Senyum ku benar-benar rela
Resah hati lagi merindu
Di kalbu

kosorou kopo nangku doho

Friday, October 22, 2010

Nobody Knows It

I pretend that I'm glad you went away
these four walls close in more every day
And I'm dyin' inside
And nobody knows it but me

Like a clown I put on a show
The pain is real, even if nobody knows
And I'm cryin' inside
And nobody knows it but me

Why didn't I say
The things I needed to say
How could I let my angel get away
Now my world is just a tumblin' down
I can see it so clearly
But you're nowhere around

The nights are lonely, the days are so sad and
I just keep thinkin' about the love that we had
And I'm missin' you
And nobody knows it but me

I carry a smile
when i'm broken in two
and i'm nobody
without someone like you
i'm tremblin' inside
and nobody knows it but me

i Lie awake
it's a quarter past 3
i'm screamin at night
if i thought you'd hear me
yeah, my heart is calling you
and nobody knows it but me
How blue can I get, you could ask my heart
Just like a jigsaw puzzle it's been torn all apart
A million words couldn't say
Just how I feel
A million years from now you know
I'll be lovin' you still

The nights are lonely, the days are so sad and
I just keep thinkin' about the love that we had
And I'm missing you
And nobody knows it but me

Tomorrow morning
i'mma hit the dusty rod gonna find you wherever,
ever you might go
and i'm gonna let go of my heart
and hope you come back today

Nights are lonely, the days are so sad
And I just keep thinkin' about the love that we had
And I'm missing you and nobody knows it but me

The nights are lonely, the days are so sad and
And I just keep thinkin' about the love that we had
And I'm missing you and nobody knows it but me

This time

Tell me what you want to hear
Something that were like those years
I'm sick of all the insincere
So I'm gonna give all my secrets away

This time
Don't need another perfect line
Don't care if critics ever jump in line
I'm gonna give all my secrets away

My God
Amazing that we got this far
It's like we're chasing all those stars
Who's driving shiny big black cars

And everyday I see the news, all the problems that we could solve
And when a situation rises, just write it into an album
Seen it straight to go
I don't really like my flow, no, so

Oh, got no reason, got not shame
Got no family I can blame
Just don't let me disappear
I'mma tell you everything

I wish

The stars lean down to kiss you
And I lie awake and miss you
Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere

'Cause I'll doze off safe and soundly
But I'll miss your arms around me
I'd send a postcard to you, dear
'Cause I wish you were here

I'll watch the night turn light-blue
But it's not the same without you
Because it takes two to whisper quietly

The silence isn't so bad
'Til I look at my hands and feel sad
'Cause the spaces between my fingers
Are right where yours fit perfectly

I'll find repose in new ways
Though I haven't slept in two days
'Cause cold nostalgia
Chills me to the bone

But drenched in vanilla twilight
I'll sit on the front porch all night
Waist-deep in thought because
When I think of you I don't feel so alone

I don't feel so alone, I don't feel so alone

As many times as I blink
I'll think of you tonight
I'll think of you tonight

When violet eyes get brighter
And heavy wings grow lighter
I'll taste the sky and feel alive again

And I'll forget the world that I knew
But I swear I won't forget you
Oh, if my voice could reach
Back through the past
I'd whisper in your ear
Oh darling, I wish you were her

You kata

Semalam I call you, you tak answer
You kata you keluar pergi dinner
You kata you keluar dengan kawan you
but when I called Tommy he said it wasn’t true

So I drove my car pergi Damansara
Tommy kata maybe you tengok bola
Tapi bila I sampai… you, you tak ada
Lagi la I jadi gila

So I called and called sampai you answer
You kata sorry sayang tadi tak dengar
My phone was on silent, I was at the gym
Tapi latar belakang suara perempuan lain

Sudahlah sayang, I don’t believe you
I’ve always known that your words were never true
Why am I with you?
I pun tak tahu
No wonder la my friends pun tak suka you

So I guess that’s the end of our story
Akhir kata she accepted his apology
Tapi last-last kita dapat tahu she was cheating too
With her ex boyfriend’s best friend, Tommy…


I will learn to live before I die
will learn to love and learn to try
not to give it all away
she may be
the one that's meant for me
or for the man that I used to be
til' I gave it all away

why I lay my heart down on the floor
I showed you love, you wanted more
but I gave it all away

you taught me to see the better truth
about yourself but about me too
I was stupid over you
what could I do

some people wait a lifetime for a chance like this
I've waited enough
baby, no, I won't let you go
I'm sick of tears and being fierce

sampai akhir hayat

ku simpan rindu di hati
gelisah tak menentu
berawal dari kita bertemu
kau akan ku jaga
Ku ingin engkau mengerti
betapa kau ku cinta
hanya padamu aku bersumpah
kau akan ku jaga sampai mati

Ku ingin selalu tuk menyayangimu
Dan ku ingin selalu tuk mencintaimu
Walau sampai akhir hayat ini
Jalan hidup kita berbeda
aku hanyalah punk rock jalanan
yang tak punya harta berlimpah
dan mobil mewah

Ku tunggu kau ku tunggu
Ku nanti kau ku nanti
walau sampai ahir hayat ini

Hanya Ingin Kau Tahu

Thursday, October 21, 2010

according to..

According to you
I'm stupid, I'm useless
I can't do anything right
According to you
I'm difficult, hard to please
Forever changing my mind
I'm a mess in a dress
can't show up on time
Even if it would save my life
According to you

But according to him
I'm beautiful, incredible
He can't get me out of his head
According to him
I'm funny, irresistible
Everything he ever wanted
Everything is opposite
I don't feel like stopping it
So baby tell me what I got to lose
He's into me for everything I'm not
According to you

Everything is opposite, I don't feel like stopping it
So baby tell me what I got to lose
He's into me for everything I'm not
According to you


When I was younger, I saw my daddy cry
And curse at the wind
He broke his own heart and I watched
As he tried to reassemble it

And my momma swore that
She would never let herself forget
And that was the day that I promised
I'd never sing of love if it does not exist

Maybe I know, somewhere deep in my soul
That love never lasts
And we've got to find other ways to make it alone
Or keep a straight face

And I've always lived like this
Keeping a comfortable distance
And up until now I had sworn to myself that I'm content with loneliness
Because none of it was ever worth the risk

I've got a tight grip on reality
But I can't let go of what's in front of me here
I know you're leaving in the morning when you wake up
Leave me with some kind of proof, it's not a dream, oh

And I'm on my way to believing
Oh, and I'm on my way to believing

I wanna be

I wanna be a billionaire so fricking bad
Buy all of the things I never had
Uh, I wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazine
Smiling next to Oprah and the Queen

Oh every time I close my eyes
I see my name in shining lights
A different city every night oh
I swear the world better prepare
For when I’m a billionaire

thousand miles away

Hey there Delilah
what's it like in New York City
I'm a thousand miles away
But girl tonight you look so pretty
yes you do
Times Square can't shine as bright as you
I swear it's true

Hey there Delilah
don't you worry about the distance
I'm right there if you get lonely
give this song another listen
Close your eyes
listen to my voice it's my disguise
I'm by your side

Hey there Delilah
I know times are getting hard
But just believe me girl
someday I'll pay the bills with this guitar
We'll have it good
we'll have the life we knew we would
My word is good

Hey there Delilah
I've got so much left to say
If every simple song I wrote to you
Would take your breath away
I'd write it all
Even more in love with me you'd fall
we'd have it all

A thousand miles seems pretty far
But they've got planes and trains and cars
I'd walk to you if I had no other way
Our friends would all make fun of us
And we'll just laugh along because we know
That none of them have felt this way

Delilah I can promise you
That by the time that we get through
The world will never ever be the same
And you're to blame

Hey there Delilah
You be good and don't you miss me
Two more years and you'll be done with school
And I'll be making history like I do

You'll know it's all because of you
We can do whatever we want to
Hey there Delilah here's to you
This one's for you


Orang Bilang

kamu bilang padaku bahwa kamu benar sayang
kau bilang aku, kau akan selalu sayang
dan kamu bilang ”aku cinta kamu, sayang”

kamu bilang padaku bahwa kamu benar cinta
kau bilang aku, kau akan selalu cinta
dan kamu bilang ”aku sayang kamu, cinta”

tapi orang bilang katanya kamu gak sayang
orang bilang katanya kamu gak cinta
orang bilang tentang kamu, orang bilang

sekarang kamu bilang bahwa kamu paling sayang
sekarang bilang bahwa kamu paling cinta
sekarang bilang ”aku siap mati, sayang”


belong together

Baby I was stupid for telling you goodbye
Maybe I was wrong for tryin' to pick a fight
I know that I've got issues
But you're pretty messed up too
Either way, I found out I'm nothing without you

'Cause we belong together now
Forever united here somehow
You got a piece of me
And honestly,
My life would suck without you

Baby I was stupid for telling you goodbye
Maybe I was wrong for tryin' to pick a fight
I know that I've got issues
But you're pretty messed up too
Either way, I found out I'm nothing without you

Being with you
Is so dysfunctional
I really shouldn't miss you
But I can't let you go

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sixth Sense - Khatimah Cinta

Oh tidur malam
Nyayikan lagu
Rindu hatiku
Yang terpendam

Oh bintang malam
Lukis wajah ku
katakan aku pergi

Genggamlah cinta
Yang ku berikan
Simpanlah selalu
Dalam hati
Ku kan slalu
Dalam mimpimu
Menemani tidurmu

Just The Way You Are

Don't go changing, to try and please me
You never let me down before
Don't imagine you're too familiar
And I don't see you anymore
I wouldn't leave you in times of trouble
We never could have come this far
I took the good times, I'll take the bad times
I'll take you just the way you are

Don't go trying some new fashion
Don't change the color of your hair
You always have my unspoken passion
Although I might not seem to care

I don't want clever conversation
I never want to work that hard
I just want someone that I can talk to
I want you just the way you are.

I need to know that you will always be
The same old someone that I knew
What will it take till you believe in me
The way that I believe in you.

I said I love you and that's forever
And this I promise from the heart
I could not love you any better
I love you just the way you are.


so obsessed

Your lipstick stains on the front lobe of my left side brains
I knew I wouldnt forget you and so I went and let
You blow my mind
Your sweet moonbeam
The smell of you in every single dream I dream
I knew when we collided youre the one I have decided
Who's one of my kind

Hey soul sister, aint that mr. mister on the radio stereo
The way you move aint fair you know
Hey soul sister I dont want to miss a single thing you do,

Just in time I'm so glad you have a one track mind like me
You gave my life direction
A game show love connection we cant deny
I'm so obsessed my heart is bound to beat right
Out my untrimmed chest
I believe in you like a virgin your Madonna
And Im always gonna wanna blow your mind

Well you can cut a rug
Watching you's the only drug I need
So gangster Im so thug
Youre the only one Im dreaming of, you see
I can be myself now finally
In fact theres nothing I cant be
I want the world to see youll be with me

You're The One

Looks like we made it
Look how far we've come my baby
We might've took the long way
We knew we'd get there someday

They said, "I'll bet they'll never make it"
But just look at us holdin' on
We're still together still goin' strong

You're still the one I run to
The one that I belong to
You're still the one I want for life
You're still the one that I love
The only one I dream of
You're still the one I kiss good night

Ain't nothin' better
We beat the odds together
I'm glad we didn't listen
Look at what we would be missin'

The Catalyst

You and me

Absolutely no one that knows me better
No one that can make me feel so good
How did we stay so long together?
Everybody, everybody said we never would
And just when I, I start to think they're right
That love has died

There you go making my heart beat again,
Heart beat again
Heart beat again
There you go making me feel like a kid
Won't you do it and do it one time?
There you go pulling me right back in
Right back in
Right back in
And I know, I'm never letting this go

I'm stuck on you
Stuck like glue
You and me baby we're stuck like glue
Stuck like glue
You and me baby we're stuck like glue

Some days I don't feel like trying
Some days you know I wanna just give up
When it doesn't matter who's right, fight about it all night
Had enough
You give me that look
"I'm sorry baby let's make up"
You do that thing that makes me laugh
And just like that

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

candle in the dark

I wanna call the stars
Down from the sky
I wanna live a day
That never dies
I wanna change the world
Only for you
All the impossible
I wanna do

I wanna hold you close
Under the rain
I wanna kiss your smile
And feel the pain
I know what's beautiful
Looking at you
In a world of lies
You are the truth

And baby
Everytime you touch me
I become a hero
I'll make you safe
No matter where you are
And bring you
Everything you ask for
Nothing is above me
I'm shining like a candle in the dark
When you tell me that you love me

Thank You

It's hard for me to say the things
I want to say sometimes
There's no one here but you and me
And that broken old street light

I never knew I had a dream
Until that dream was you
When I look into your eyes
The sky's a different blue

You pick me up when I fall down
You ring the bell before they count me out
If I was drowning you would part the sea
And risk your own life to rescue me

When I couldn't fly
you gave me wings
You parted my lips when I couldn't breathe
Thank you for loving me

sampai akhir nanti

Ingin pulang membalut luka hatimu
Ku pun tahu betapa pedih batinmu
Beri kesempatan atau jatuhkan hukuman
Andai maaf pun tak kau berikan

Air mata tulus jatuh di sudut bibir mu

Tak terlintas dendam di bening mata indah mu

Aku yang merasa sangat berdosa pada mu

Masih pantaskah mendampingi mu

Biar lah bulan bicara sendiri

Biarlah bintang kan menjadi saksi

Tak kan ku ulangi walau sampai akhir nanti

Cukup derita sampai di sini

Monday, October 18, 2010

walau aku tak mau

Tertutup sudah pintu, pintu hatiku
Yang pernah dibuka waktu hanya untukmu
Kini kau pergi dari hidupku
Kuharus relakanmu walau aku tak mau

Berjuta warna pelangi di dalam hati
Sejenak luluh bergeming menjauh pergi
Tak ada lagi cahaya suci
Semua nada beranjak aku terdiam sepi

Dengarlah matahariku, suara tangisanku
Kubersedih karna panah cinta menusuk jantungku
Ucapkan matahariku puisi tentang hidupku
Tentangku yang tak mampu menaklukkan waktu